Jun 15, 2023

How to Build a Successful Partnership between FinTechs and Banks

Home » How to Build a Successful Partnership between FinTechs and Banks

As digital revolution continues to reshape the financial industry, the partnership between FinTechs and Banks increasingly becomes an attractive option for both parties. However, building a successful partnership is not without its challenges.

This article will explore the key ingredients for creating a fruitful collaboration between FinTechs and Banks that benefits stakeholders and drives innovation. From establishing a shared vision to leveraging each other’s strengths, we will provide practical insights for any organization looking to build a successful partnership in the FinTech space.


The growth of the FinTech industry

The FinTech industry has experienced tremendous growth over the years, and several factors have contributed to this growth, such as:

  • Technological advancements in recent years have made developing and deploying FinTech solutions easier and cheaper.
  • Changing consumer behavior and preferences have created a demand for digital financial services.
  • Increased competition in the financial services industry has pushed traditional Banks to partner with FinTechs to stay relevant.
  • Regulatory changes have created opportunities for FinTechs to innovate and disrupt traditional financial services.

By partnering with FinTechs, Banks can harness technology’s power and deliver more efficient and effective services to customers. For FinTechs, partnerships with Banks provide access to a broader customer base and the resources necessary to grow their businesses.

Partnerships between FinTechs and Banks can foster innovation and creativity, as both parties bring unique strengths and perspectives to the table, creating a better financial landscape for all.


Building a Successful Partnership

Establishing successful partnerships between FinTechs and Banks necessitates a comprehensive comprehension of each other’s objectives, values, and expectations. To accomplish this, it is imperative to establish clear channels of communication and cultivate transparency throughout the entire process. Therefore, building a prosperous partnership between FinTechs and Banks demands considerable dedication and meticulous planning.

Here are some essential factors to consider:

Understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses

To build a strong partnership, both parties must understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses. The FinTechs’ strengths lie in agility, innovation, and the ability to develop new technology quickly. Banks may possess vast networks, regulatory expertise, and customer trust. Understanding these strengths and weaknesses allows both parties to work together effectively.
Set clear objectives and goals.

To achieve a successful partnership between FinTechs and Banks, setting clear objectives and goals from the outset is crucial. Not only does it help to establish a shared vision for the collaboration, but it also provides a framework for measuring success and making adjustments as needed. Several key steps are involved in setting clear objectives and goals, including defining the scope of the partnership, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and establishing a timeline for achieving milestones.


Develop mutual trust

Developing mutual trust is another key component of a successful partnership between FinTechs and Banks. When working together, it’s important to establish open communication lines and be transparent about goals, expectations, and potential obstacles. This requires building a rapport between teams and individuals and fostering a culture of collaboration and respect. By investing time and effort into building a solid foundation of trust, FinTechs and Banks can work together more effectively, innovate faster, and achieve better outcomes for their customers.


Maintain open communication

Communication is vital in any successful partnership, and it’s no different for FinTechs and Banks. Open communication must always be maintained to build a strong working relationship between these two parties. This means fostering an environment of transparency and honesty, sharing knowledge and expertise, and actively seeking feedback from both sides. By doing so, FinTechs and Banks can work collaboratively to address challenges and identify opportunities, ultimately leading to a more successful partnership.


Create a detailed plan for collaboration

Creating a successful partnership between FinTechs and Banks requires careful planning and execution. It is important to define the scope of the partnership and establish clear goals and establish communication protocols by assigning clear roles and responsibilities. Developing timelines and action plans are also essential for determining measurable milestones and establishing metrics to evaluate success and make adjustments as needed.


Continuously monitor and evaluate the partnership

Last but not least, continuous monitoring and evaluation of the partnership are essential. It is essential to conduct regular assessments to update the partnership’s progress and identify improvement areas by forming action plans to address them. It is always suggested to keep an eye on the current status by regularly reviewing and adjusting the partnership agreement to ensure it remains relevant and beneficial to all parties involved.


How Can EMBank Help?

European Merchant Bank (EMBank) is a FinTech-friendly challenger bank that can help FinTech institutions expand their services in this expanding market. EMBank can advise FinTech institutions on leveraging embedded finance technology to provide customer-centric financial solutions.

Established in Lithuania and licensed by the European Central Bank, EMBank provides a Banking as a Service offering, combined with Safeguarding Account, Business Account, and Accumulative Account types as well as payment options through SEPA, Swift, and Target2.

Please keep in mind that the above information has been prepared or assembled by the EMBank and is intended for informational purposes only. Some of the information may be dated and may not reflect the most current legal developments.

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