Information Security
EMBank’s top priority is preserving your privacy and keeping your financial information secure. We also believe it is our job to provide you with information security awareness topics so you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself. If you’d like to learn more about financial and confidential information security, please browse the resources below. Our strategy to secure personally identifiable information (PII), protected financial information, and other forms of private and confidential information is multifaceted and includes the following:
Encrypting our data:
Desktops and laptops are encrypted where privacy data is stored; removable media such as flash drives, external hard discs, optical discs, wired or wireless printers are strictly limited to approved personnel, and all data written to those devices is encrypted.
Securing our locations:
Employees use security badges to access buildings and interior secured areas on the head office, and video cameras are monitored 24/7.
Strictly governing passwords and access:
Passwords are changed at regular intervals, and “strong” passwords are required; we review accounts regularly for appropriate access; access is immediately revoked on all employee terminations or separations, and two-factor authentication is in place for all users.
Conducting checks:
We perform background checks on all employees and contractors prior to being granted access to systems.
Protecting our systems:
Endpoint protection solutions are installed and updated on all desktops, laptops, and servers; internal and external firewalls segregate Internet-facing traffic from internal, and they segregate internal users from direct access to servers; egress filtering reduces the threat of command and control malware infections, and email security software identify and block messages that contain malicious links or attachments.
Testing our security:
We regularly try to penetrate and exploit our systems to make sure everything is functioning as it should and no weaknesses exist.