Credit Line

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Credit line

Credit line is aimed for financing of working capital. Credit line can be used by disbursement funds in tranches according to the needs to pay for various supplies purchases by the company or other operating expenses.


  • No periodic repayment
  • Flexible utilisation of credit. Customer has control over the use of the credit line
  • Credit disbursement or repayment requested by the borrower
  • Interest paid only on the used amount
  • Collateral – unsecured or secured with mortgage on real estate, fixed assets, inventory, accounts receivable, personal surety or corporate guarantee


  • Finacing amount from 50‘000 to 2‘000‘000 Eur
  • Purpose – financing of working capital needs
  • Agreement term – up to 3 years
  • Interest rate – fixed or floating with reference to 6 month EURIBOR + bank‘s margin
  • Repayment – partial regular repayments or full at maturity
If you would like to use the ILTE (Invega) guarantee or compensation of interest for your loan, please visit this page for details.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is credit line?
A credit line is a method of crediting where the credit can be paid in tranches within a certain credit limit. Repayment of the loan can be periodic partial or full loan repayment at the end of the term.
What is the difference between a revolving and a non-revolving line of credit?
In case of a revolving credit line, the loan funds can be used repeatedly even after full or partial repayment of the loan. In the case of a non-revolving credit line, once the limit has been fully used and the loan repayment has started, additional funds cannot be used.
Why choose a credit line?
Credit line is a convenient working capital financing solution. It is relevant for businesses whose specifics are related to longer production cycles or payment terms from customers or have seasonal working capital needs.
What is the process for granting a line of credit?
In order to obtain a credit line, the client must submit certain documents to the Bank. After assessment of the application, the bank decides how much credit line limit to grant.
What documents are required to apply for funding
Documents to be subitted:
– Filled credit application
– Last annual report and interim report for the current financial year
– Description of the purpose of the loan
– Financial forecasts
– Property valuation report, if real estate is mortgaged
What are the fees and commissions for lending?
Usually there are interest rates calculated for using an overdraft.


You can find the fees and commissions which are applicable for EMBank lending products:

Service or transaction Fee, EUR
1 Administration fee for concluding Loan agreement From 0,5% of the amount of the Loan (min. 200 €)
2 Fee for increasing the amount of the Loan From 0,2 % of the total outstanding amount (min. 200 €)
3 Fee for extending of the maturity of the Loan From 0,5 % of the outstanding amount of the Loan (min. 200 €)
4 Fee for other amendments of the Loan agreement From 0,1 % of the outstanding amount of the Loan (min. 200 €)
5 Commitment fee From 1 % of the unused amount of the Loan
6 Fee for early repayment of the Loan 2 % of the outstanding amount of the Loan to be repaid (min. 200 €)


Other fees:

7 Issuance of the permission to pledge collateral by subsequent pledge 0,5% of the amount of the Loan (min. 300 €)
8 Other permissions and consents 50 €
9 Documents issued by Local customer request 50 €

If you want to hear more about our credit line options

Other Lending Options at

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